2018 Events:
No Tricks involved, so Treat yourself to a truly unique Halloween experience!

Hallo-week Group Afterlife Communications Session:

Thursday, October 25th, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Location: Eden Prairie, MN
  When the veil between the living and the Other Side is at its thinnest, it's the ideal time to receive messages from your deceased loved ones and pets. Halloween is also the Celtic New Year, so, even if you don't have any passed loved ones you want to communicate with, please join us and receive some predictions about your coming year.
      The last owner of our historical venue used to welcome passersby in for coffee and cookies, so his ghost will be delighted that we're meeting for cookies and a chat with him and other friendly souls in spirit form. You're sure to experience a magical "Ah-ha" moment or two from the Great Beyond!

  Only $25 if you pay by October 20th. ($35 after that.) Space is limited, so Reservations are required.

To save a place at this event, simply email Janice Carlson at dearashlan@aol.com
Type "Reservation" and the number of people attending in the Subject Line and please include your phone number in your email.
(Janice can also be reached at 952-934-1196.)
Please note: This location requires that you be able to climb a steep flight of stairs. No elevator is available.
The full address to this event will be given to you upon receipt of payment.
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